Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Visiting Artist: Amy Hauft

The lecture and exhibition by Amy Hauft was very interesting. Overall, I liked the work that was exhibited, especially the inclusion of the spiral staircase that provided interactivity and an excellent view of the sculpture, which really lent itself more to that perspective. However, I think the foam landscape forms could have been constructed to come across just as well from both viewpoints. From ground level you could see the cracks where they didn't conform flush with the table surface, which was distracting and kind of leaned more towards a somewhat tacky, crafty feeling that didn't blend with the fluid and sound craftsmanship of the table they resided on. The glittery sprinkles didn't help the case either. Once again though, from the staircase these tidbits were not nearly as noticeable. I also think the foam pieces could have been larger and more continuous. The small sculpted mountain forms were individually well made but in relation to each other and the table they seemed sort of a last minute addition. The arm of the table that did contain one big foam form was by far the most successful use of that media, resembling a sort of spiraled whirlpool. The small sugar staircase in the center was really neat as well. I didn't even realize it was sugar and not wood until she mentioned it and I saw it up close. I also really enjoyed the small model of the installation that was off too the side. Overall, the piece was excellent as seen from the spiral staircase above, but had some distracting flaws at ground level.

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